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Cheviot Hills PONY Baseball

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Sep, 2022

What is the difference between PONY Baseball and Little League?

Most people know Little League and are familiar with the Little League World Series, but did you know that there are other options for your child to play youth baseball in Los Angeles and the surrounding cities of Beverly Hills, Century City, Santa Monica, and Culver City?

One such option is Cheviot Hills Pony Baseball Association (CHPBA) with home fields located at Cheviot Hills Recreation Center. CHPBA is a Charter Member of the PONY National. PONY is an acronym, which stands for Protect Our Nation's Youth.

Below is a summary of the differences between PONY Baseball and Little League.


PONY Baseball

Little League

Two Year Age Groups



Scaled Age-Appropriate Diamonds



Scaled Age-Appropriate Pitching Distances



Play by MLB Rules Earlier



Mix of Softball and Baseball Rules



Competitive Baseball Starting at Age 7



Teaches Base Stealing Earlier



Teaches Pitching Earlier



Teaches Lead-offs Earlier



Prepares Kids for High School Baseball Rules



Two Year Age Groups
Little League player's age can differ by as much as 3 years within a division. PONY Baseball uses a 2 year age bracket system to limit the age difference between players in each division to 1 year. This fosters teams that are more evenly matched throughout their days playing youth baseball, longer-lasting confidence, and better friendships.

Scaled Age-Appropriate Diamonds
PONY Baseball varies the distance between the bases as well as the distance between the pitcher’s mound and home plate as the players’ move through the 2 year age bracket divisions with increasing size and skill level over time. This keeps the field at a relative scale to what you see in the Major Leagues. As the kids get older, bigger, faster, and stronger, the field size changes to accommodate the kids. By contrast, Little League fields stay at the same size throughout a child’s experience up to age 12.

Base and Pitching Distance for PONY Baseball
  • 50ft bases for Shetland 5 & 6 year olds
  • 60ft bases and 38ft pitching for Pinto 7 & 8 year olds
  • 65ft bases and 44ft pitching for Mustang 9 & 10 year olds
  • 70ft bases and 48ft pitching for Bronco 11 & 12 year olds
  • 80ft bases and 54ft pitching for Pony 13 & 14 year olds

Contact Us

Cheviot Hills PONY Baseball Association

9854 National Blvd Box 148 
Los Angeles, California 90034

Email Us: [email protected]
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