What is PONY Baseball’s Code of Ethics?
a non-profit organization dealing with youth, PONY Baseball, Inc.
(a.k.a. PONY Baseball and Softball), shall be nondiscriminatory in its
hiring practices and the general conduct of Corporate business.
Corporation cannot tolerate physical, mental or sexual harassment by
staff, Field Directors or Local League officials representing PONY
Baseball and Softball.
of interest on the part of any employee, member of the Board of
Directors, Field Directors or Local League officials is to be disclosed.
Such persons shall avoid voting on an item related to their conflict of
interest and shall, if requested by the President, absent themselves
from the meeting until discussion and subsequent voting on such subject
has been completed.
of the Corporation, members of the Board of Directors, Field Directors
and Local League officials are expressly forbidden to use their position
and authority in PONY to require or unduly pressure leagues to purchase
and/or use products, (such as baseballs, trophies, concession
supplies), or services (such as umpires, ground care, fund raising),
which provide profit to that individual as an individual, or part of a
specific group of individuals.
CHPBA requires all volunteers to complete a formal application, review abuse avoidance training materials, and submit to a background check.
Related Documents:
volunteer application form.pdf