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Cheviot Hills PONY Baseball

News Detail


Jan, 2022


CHPBA will be following COVID protocols promulgated by the County of Los Angeles. They are subject to change, but at present they provide: 

  1. CHPBA and County guidelines permit, but do not require, masks while actually on the field. However, we recommend wearing a mask while in the dugout or in any situation where social distancing is difficult.
  2. All players younger than 12 years of age and vaccinated players 12 years of age and above are recommended to test weekly. Most players now test at school and a school test suffices. Families must notify their coach and the CHPBA Board ([email protected])  if their child tests positive. If there is a positive case, all players and coaches (regardless of vaccination status) must have a weekly negative test result for two weeks from exposure and must test negative prior to competition.

  3. Unvaccinated players 12 years and age and above are required to test weekly.  Weekly school testing fulfills this obligation.  Families must notify their coach and the CHPBA Board ([email protected]) if their child tests positive. If there is a positive case, all players and coaches (regardless of vaccination status) must have a weekly negative test result for two weeks from exposure and must test negative prior to competition.

  4. Proof of vaccination will be required for all CHPBA coaches.

  5. All families should be vigilant and self-screen for symptoms.  If a player is symptomatic or under isolation orders, he/she should not come to practice or a game until testing negative. 
Please email any questions to [email protected]

LA Co Reopening Youth Sports Announcement

Contact Us

Cheviot Hills PONY Baseball Association

9854 National Blvd Box 148 
Los Angeles, California 90034

Email: [email protected]

Cheviot Hills PONY Baseball Association

9854 National Blvd Box 148 
Los Angeles, California 90034

Email: [email protected]
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